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Join Us!


Thank you for expressing an interest in joining Clyde Bat Group. Joining your local bat group is a great way to learn about and support bat conservation.

Membership is £6.00 per year.


If you are interested in joining us, please email with your details so you can join our mailing list to hear about events.


Please also transfer your membership fee to:


Account name:       Clyde Bat Group

Sort code:               80 09 15

Account number:    00307078

When transferring the money, please add your name as a reference and add payment date to your email so we can match you to the payment!


We look forward to you joining us on our events.


If you would like to provide us with a donation, please send this to the bank detailed above, using DONATION as your reference.  All proceeds are used by the bat group for conservation purposes.

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